17 Best Penetration Testing Tools 2023 (by Popularity)

17 of the best penetration testing tools, along with a brief overview of their features and capabilities:

  1. Burp Suite: Burp Suite is a commercial web application security testing (WAST) tool that is used by penetration testers and security professionals to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in web applications. It is a powerful and versatile tool that can be used to scan for SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and other common web application vulnerabilities.
  2. Acunetix: Acunetix is another commercial WAST tool that is popular among penetration testers. It is known for its ease of use and its ability to scan a wide range of web applications. Acunetix can also be used to manage and prioritize vulnerabilities, and it can generate reports that can be used to track progress and demonstrate compliance.
  3. Nessus: Nessus is a commercial vulnerability scanning tool that is used to identify vulnerabilities in systems, networks, and applications. It is a powerful tool that can scan for a wide range of vulnerabilities, including system misconfigurations, missing patches, and known vulnerabilities. Nessus can also be used to generate reports that can be used to track progress and demonstrate compliance.
  4. Metasploit: Metasploit is a free and open-source penetration testing framework that is used to exploit vulnerabilities and execute attacks. It is a powerful tool that can be used to automate attacks, and it includes a large library of exploits that can be used to exploit a wide range of vulnerabilities.
  5. Wireshark: Wireshark is a free and open-source network protocol analyzer that is used to capture and analyze network traffic. It is a powerful tool that can be used to identify and diagnose network problems, and it can also be used to identify security vulnerabilities.
  6. Nmap: Nmap is a free and open-source network scanner that is used to identify hosts and services on a network. It is a powerful tool that can be used to scan for open ports, operating systems, and services. Nmap can also be used to identify security vulnerabilities.
  7. Nikto: Nikto is a free and open-source web vulnerability scanner that is used to identify vulnerabilities in web applications. It is a powerful tool that can scan for a wide range of vulnerabilities, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and other common web application vulnerabilities.
  8. SQLMap: SQLMap is a free and open-source SQL injection tool that is used to identify and exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities in web applications. It is a powerful tool that can automate the process of exploiting SQL injection vulnerabilities, and it can also be used to extract data from databases.
  9. Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP): ZAP is a free and open-source web application security scanner that is used to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in web applications. It is a powerful tool that can scan for a wide range of vulnerabilities, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and other common web application vulnerabilities. ZAP can also be used to manage and prioritize vulnerabilities, and it can generate reports that can be used to track progress and demonstrate compliance.
  10. Aircrack-ng: Aircrack-ng is a free and open-source tool that is used to crack Wi-Fi passwords. It is a powerful tool that can be used to capture and analyze Wi-Fi traffic, and it can also be used to crack WEP and WPA passwords.
  11. BeEF: BeEF is a free and open-source browser exploitation framework that is used to exploit vulnerabilities in web browsers. It is a powerful tool that can be used to deliver exploits to web browsers, and it can also be used to capture and analyze traffic from web browsers.
  12. Ettercap: Ettercap is a free and open-source network traffic sniffing tool that is used to capture and analyze network traffic. It is a powerful tool that can be used to identify and exploit security vulnerabilities. Ettercap can also be used to sniff passwords and other sensitive information.
  13. Kali Linux: Kali Linux is a free and open-source operating system that is pre-installed with a wide range of penetration testing tools. It is a powerful platform that can be used to perform a wide range of penetration testing tasks.

17 Best Penetration Testing Tools

Updated on: November 2, 2023

17 Best Penetration Testing Tools 2023 (by Popularity)

The annual cost of cybercrime will be $10.5 trillion for companies worldwide by the year 2025. Add the 125% increment in the global incident volume of cyberattacks to that and the cyber threat landscape starts to look really bleak.

This Blog Includes  show 

You need security experts at the top of their game, using the best penetration testing tools to find and remove security vulnerabilities in your systems.

Best Penetration Testing Tools in 2023

  1. Astra Security
  2. NMap
  3. Metasploit
  4. Wireshark 
  5. Nikto
  6. W3AF
  7. SQLMap
  8. Zed Attack Proxy
  9. Aircrack-ng
  10. BeEF
  11. Ettercap
  12. Kali Linux
  13. Rapid7
  14. Cobalt
  15. BurpSuite
  16. Acunetix
  17. Nessus

Types of Penetration Testing Tools

1. Open-source tools

These tools are available for free and are developed and managed by developer communities spread across the world. There are open-source tools in all categories.

2. Web app pentest

Web application penetration testing tools are designed specifically for web apps. They are usually online tools that can run tests on a web application by accessing the website URL. These are primarily DAST tools augmented by a manual pentest.

3. Network pentest

Network pentest is the process of making hacker-style intrusion into a network to uncover security vulnerabilities. This requires a bundle of tools specifically designed for detecting network vulnerabilities. NMap, for instance, is a tool for network mapping.

4. Mobile app pentest

Mobile app pentest differs in its scope and process from web app pentest. The necessity of human intervention is deeper in the case of mobile apps. There is no plug-and-play tool for mobile app pentest. You need expert pentesters to get the job done.

5. Cloud pentest

When we say cloud pentest, what we really mean is a cloud configuration review. Cloud security is governed by the terms of your agreement with your cloud provider. You have to work with some limitations there. Security experts can help you with identifying misconfigurations in your cloud setup, testing your virtual machines, and ensuring the isolation of your workloads.

6. Automated pentest

With certain pentest solutions, you can integrate an automated vulnerability scanner with your SDLC. You can schedule the scans or set it the scanner up so that it runs a test every time some new code is updated.

7. Manual pentest

There are vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and errors that automated vulnerability scanners fail to detect. Manual pentest is the hacker-style invasion of your systems by expert pentesters to detect critical vulnerabilities like business logic errors, payment gateway hacks, etc.

8. Penetration Testing as a Service

Penetration Testing as a Service or PTaaS refers to companies that offer modular security testing services. They’ll remotely enter your system, run tests, and offer you the results.    

4 Features You Should Look for in a Pentest Tool

CI/CD integration

It helps you shift left in your security testing process if your pentest platform integrates with your CI/CD pipeline.

Actionable reports

Pentest reports are traditionally long, dull, tedious, and difficult to interpret. You need reports that prompt action, contain step-by-step guidelines for your developers, and helps you prioritize vulnerabilities with ease.

Remediation support

Few companies have dedicated security teams. Security engineers carry quite a different skill set from a developer. A little help from security experts during remediation in the form of contextual collaboration can go a long way.

Pentest certificate 

Only a handful of penetration testsing solutions offer publicly verifiable penetration testing certificates. You can use these to increase your credibility as a secure business.

17 Best Penetration Testing Tools & Software at a Glance

Name of the tool Services Key features
Astra’s Pentest Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing 3000+ Tests, Continuous scanning, CI/CD integration, zero false positives, compliance monitoring.
NMAP Network Scanning Create inventory of network devices, port scanning, mapping large networks
Metasploit Vulnerability probing and weakness detection 1677 exploits organized over 25 platforms, 500+ payloads, Encoders, post-exploit code
WireShark Protocol analysis, network monitoring Capture and analyze network traffic, capture live data from Ethernet, LAN, USB, etc. Inspect protocols
Nikto Vulnerability Scanner Scans for 7000 dangerous programs and multiple portals
W3af Web Application Pentest Tool Python based tool with a great graphical interface
SQLmap Automated Pentesting Tool, SQL Injection Attacks Exploits SQL injection flaws
Zed Attack Proxy Open-Source Pentest Tool OWASP based tool available for Linux, Windows & Mac.
Aircrack-ng WiFi Network Security Assessment Works for Linux, macOS, Windows.
BeEF Pentesting Tool Focuses on web browsers and hardened network perimeters
Ettercap Web Security Testing Man-in-the-Middle attacks
Kali Linux Pentesting Tool Collection 600 pentesting tools
Rapid7 Vulnerability management, user behavior analysis 95+ Attack Types.
Attack Replay.
Powerful Reporting for Compliance and Remediation
Redscan Managed detection and response, penetration testing Human threat hunting, triage, behavior analytics, 24/7 end-point monitoring
Cobalt PTaaS Large community of testers
Intruder Vulnerability Scanner Powerful testing engine designed for bank and governmental organizations
Invicti Web Application Vulnerability Scanner Wider scan coverage
Burp Suite Web application security testing Web crawler, proxy, repeater, sequencer, and a wide set of tools.
Indusface WAS Web Application Scanner Zero false positives, covers OWASP top 10 CVEs
Acunetix Vulnerability Scanner Deployable on-premise or in the cloud
Nessus Vulnerability Assessment Tests for more than 65K vulnerabilities, Integrates with Tenable products, regularly updated for new threats

Top 17 Best Pentesting Tools of 2023 [Reviewed]

Let’s learn a bit more about some of the best penetration testing software. We will start with a complete penetration testing platform and throw in an assorted list of tools for penetration testing, network security tools, and penetration testing services.

The Complete Pentest Platform

1. Astra Pentest

penetration testing compliance by Astra

A comprehensive 3rd party penetration testing platform for web applications, mobile applications, APIs, and cloud infrastructures.


  • Platform: Online
  • Scanner Capacity: Unlimited continuous scans
  • Manual pentest: Available for web app, mobile app, APIs, and cloud infrastructures
  • Accuracy: Zero false positives
  • Vulnerability management: Comes with dynamic vulnerability management dashboard 
  • Compliance: Helps you stay compliant with PCI-DSS, HIPAA, ISO27001, and SOC2
  • Price: $199/month

Detailed Review 

Astra Pentest Platform is a unique penetration testing suite that combines the Astra Vulnerability Scanner with manual pentesting capabilities.
It comes as a plug-n-play SaaS tool that one can start using just by providing the target site URLs and some credentials.
The company’s efforts towards making the penetration testing platform self-serving are constant and yet they offer 24/7 chat support.
Astra has made visualizing, navigating, and remediating vulnerabilities as simple as running a search on Google.

Astra Vulnerability Scanner

The pentest software can also run 3500+ tests covering OWASP top 10 and SANS 25 vulnerabilities. The scan results are vetted by experts to ensure zero false positives.

Thanks to Astra’s login recorder plugin, the scanner can run authenticated scans behind login pages without requiring you to reauthenticate it.

The vulnerability management dashboard allows you to stay on top of the vulnerabilities throughout the scanning and remediation process.

The in-depth hacker-style penetration testing by experts reveals business logic errors and other critical vulnerabilities like payment gateway hacks.

Astra Pentest Platform can be used for web app pentest, mobile app pentest, API pentest, and cloud-configuration reviews.

Pentest Reports

The pentest reports by Astra feature video PoCs and step-by-step remediation guidelines to help you take immediate action. The best part is, your developers can engage in contextual collaboration with Astra’s security engineers to resolve difficult issues.

Pentest Certificate

Once the vulnerabilities detected by Astra Pentest are remediated and the same is confirmed by Astra’s security experts, you get a publicly verifiable pentest certificate that stays valid for 6 months or your next major code update, whichever is earlier.

Over the past year, Astra has added names like ICICI, UN, and Dream 11, to their already impressive roster of clients which included Ford, Gillette, and GoDaddy, among others.

Who is it for?
SaaS providers, ECommerce site owners, and public offices, across regions and industries.

What is best?

  • Connects with your CI/CD pipeline
  • Offers continuous scanning with regularly updated scanner rules
  • Ensures zero false positives
  • Helps with rapid prioritization and remediation of vulnerabilities

What could have been better?

  • Could have had more integration options
  • It doesn’t offer a free trial

Astra Security essentially replaces 3 services with one platform – a vulnerability scanner, manual pentest, and vulnerability management. On top of that, security experts go the extra mile to help you remediate issues quickly. It is like having a security team of your own. Also, full points for 24/7 chat support and customer service. Overall, it’s an incredible application penetration testing tool in any price range.

Astra Pentest is built by the team of experts that secured Microsoft, Adobe, Facebook, and Buffer

We are also available on weekends 😊

Free/Open Source Tools for Ethical Hackers

 2. NMAP



  • Platform: Linux, Windows, MacOS
  • Scanner Capacity: Usually scans the 1000 most popular ports of each network protocol
  • Manual pentest: NMap is actively used for network mapping and port scanning. These are parts of the manual pentest effort.
  • Accuracy: Occasionally shows false positives and faulty insights
  • Vulnerability management: No
  • Compliance: Indirectly relates to compliance reporting
  • Price: Free

NMAP is short for Network Mapper. It helps you map a network by scanning ports, discovering operating systems, and creating an inventory of devices and the services running on them.

NMAP sends differently structured packets for different transport layer protocols which return with IP addresses and other information. You can use this information for host discovery, OS fingerprinting, service discovery, and security auditing.

NMAP allows security administrators to create an inventory of all devices, operating systems, and applications connected to a network, it makes it possible for them to point out probable vulnerabilities.

Who is it for?
Network administrators, ethical hackers, and pentesters.

What is best?

  • NMAP is a powerful tool
  • Capability of mapping a very large network with thousands of ports connected to it.

What could have been better?

  • Need extensive knowledge to use.
  • Used by malicious hackers as well as security experts.

NMap has been around for 26 years and it is still the gold standard when it comes to network penetration testing tools. It is something every ethical hacker needs in their arsenal.

3. Metasploit



  • Platform: Unix (including Linux and MacOS), Windows
  • Scanner Capacity: N/A
  • Manual pentest: Metasploit contains an assortment of tools that can be used for pentesting
  • Accuracy: N/A
  • Vulnerability management: No
  • Compliance: Indirectly relates to compliance reporting
  • Price: Free

Metasploit is a framework used by both hackers and security professionals to detect systematic vulnerabilities. It is a powerful tool that also contains portions of fuzzing, anti-forensic, and evasion tools.

Metasploit is easy to install, works on a range of platforms and is quite popular among hackers. That is part of the reason why it is an important tool for pentesters as well.

Metasploit currently includes nearly 1677 exploits along with almost 500 payloads that include Command shell payloads, Dynamic payloads, Meterpreter payloads, and Static payloads.

Who is it for?
Ethical hackers, pentesters, and malicious actors.

What is best?

What could have been better?

  • Has a steep learning curve
  • Used by hackers

With listeners, encoders, and post-exploit code, Metasploit is a very powerful tool for ethical hacking.

4. WireShark



  • Platform: Unix, Windows. Needs libraries like Qt, GLib, & libpcap to run
  • Scanner Capacity: Captures live packet data from a network interface
  • Manual pentest: Useful tool for pentesting
  • Accuracy: Fairly accurate
  • Vulnerability management: No
  • Compliance: Indirectly relates to compliance reporting
  • Price: Free

WireShark is a famous open-source penetration testing tool primarily used for protocol analysis and microscopic monitoring of network activities. What makes it one of the network penetration test tools is the fact that thousands of security engineers across the world contribute to its improvement.

WireShark allows you to capture and analyze network traffic, inspect protocols and troubleshoot network performance issues. Other features provided include the decryption of protocols, and capturing of live data from ethernet, LAN, USB, and more.

It can also export output to XML, PostScript, CSV, or plain text. It is important to note that WireShark is not an Intrusion Detection System or IDS. As a protocol analyzer, it can help you visualize malformed packets but it cannot raise an alarm if there is any malicious activity on the network.

Who is it for?
Government agencies, cybersecurity professionals, network administrators, and ethical hackers.

What is best?

  • Capture live data packet from network interfaces and analyzes it in real-time
  • Available for free

What could have been better?

  • It does not run from outside a network
  • Cannot perform packet injection

The tool is easily one of the gold standards for an open-source network protocol analyzer.

5. Nikto


  • Platform: Linux
  • Scanner Capacity: Web applications, servers
  • Manual pentest: No
  • Accuracy: False positives possible
  • Vulnerability management: No 
  • Compliance: No
  • Price: Open-source

Nikto, an open-source penetration testing software is capable of conducting detailed tests on web servers with a capacity to identify nearly 7000 malicious files and applications.

This includes over 6700 potentially dangerous files/programs, checks for outdated server versions, and version-specific problems on over 270 server versions.

Server versions like Apache, MySQL, FTP, ProFTPd, Courier, Netscape, iPlanet, Lotus, BIND, MyDoom, and more. Key features include scans for 6000+ vulnerabilities and the detection of version-specific problems.

Who is it for?
Mid-sized companies, security testing beginners who want to learn more about SQL injection execution.

What is best?

  • It is freely available to the public for use.
  • Available in Kali Linux.

What could have been better?

  • Does not have a community platform.
  • Does not have a GUI.

Yet another open-source penetration testing tool, Nikto is a must-have with its extensive vulnerability detection for various server-specific flaws.

6. W3af


  • Platform: Windows, OS X, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD
  • Scanner Capacity: Web applications
  • Manual pentest: No
  • Accuracy: False positives possibles
  • Vulnerability management: No
  • Compliance: No
  • Price: Open-source

W3AF is a tool and is a Web Application Attack and Audit Framework that is ideal for web application pentesting and auditing. The framework is extensible with modules designed to be easy to configure and extend.

The framework can either be used in a manual or automated way by using the API in the Python language. The tool can identify nearly 200 different web app flaws.

Key features include ease of expansion, Cookie handling, and Proxy support.  It helps enhance any pentesting platform with its given guidelines.

Who is it for?
Beginners to ethical hacking, and other small to medium-sized organizations.

What is best?

  • Easy-to-use for beginners
  • Available freely.
  • Can also scan session-protected pages
  • Comes with a graphical interface

What could be better?

  • False positives are a possibility.
  • GUI can be difficult to navigate.

W3af is more of a framework for pentesting rather than a tool, however, it is very beneficial for beginners to cybersecurity with its ability to identify over 200 web app flaws.

7. SQLmap


  • Platform: Windows, Linux
  • Scanner Capacity: Web applications
  • Manual pentest: No
  • Accuracy: False positives possible
  • Vulnerability management: No 
  • Compliance: No
  • Price: Open source

Yet another freely available pentesting tool, SQLmap automates the process of finding threats and attacks associated with SQL injections.

Among all web application pentesting tools, SQLmap comes with a powerful testing engine, and multiple injection attacks, and supports various servers like MySQL, Microsoft Access, IBM DB2, and SQLite.

Who is it for?
Ethical hackers, beginners looking to learn more about web application pentesting tools.

What is best?

  • Open-source pentesting tool.
  • Finds SQL injections of various types using automated methods

What could be better?

  • No GUI.

SQLmap comes with a powerful testing engine equipped with multiple modes of injection attacks making it an ideal choice for injection flaws. However, the tool can be limited in detecting other forms of vulnerabilities.

8. Zed Attack Proxy



  • Platform: Windows, Linux, MacOS
  • Scanner Capacity: Web application security testing, network ports, and API testing
  • Manual pentest: Yes (Used by experts to carry it out) 
  • Accuracy: False positives possible
  • Vulnerability management: No 
  • Compliance: OWASP
  • Price: Open-source

Zed Attack Proxy or else known as ZAP is an open-source penetration testing software offered by OWASP that can detect a variety of vulnerabilities within web apps.

It can be used for Linux, Microsoft, and Mac systems to run penetration tests on web apps to detect a variety of flaws.

One of the best open-source penetration testing tools out there, ZAP supports a lot of pentesting activities that make it ideal for users.

Who is it for?
Ethical hackers, cybersecurity professionals

What is best?

  • Easy-to-navigate user interface
  • Maintained by OWASP and is freely available.
  • Easy to learn.
  • Eligible for beginner and security experts alike.

What could be better?

  • Hard to set up the tool.
  • Not convenient compared to other tools.
  • Some features require extra plugins.

ZAP by OWASP was built specifically with web application vulnerability detection in mind. This makes it an excellent choice for open-source web application pentesting.

9. Aircrack-ng



  • Platform: Linux, Windows, macOS, FreeBSD
  • Scanner Capacity: Wifi network security
  • Manual pentest: No
  • Accuracy: False positives possible
  • Vulnerability management: No
  • Compliance: No
  • Price: Open-source

Aircrack-ng provides a complete suite of network penetration testing tools for the assessment of WiFi network security. The tools are command lines thus allowing heavy scripting.

The tool is primarily Linux based but works for Windows, macOS, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and others.
Aircrack-ng monitors data packets to text files for processing by third-party tools. Attacks like replay attacks, de-authentication, and fake access points are also facilitated.

The pentest software can also check other WiFi cards and packet injections for Linux drivers.

Who is it for?
Network security teams, SMEs, and network administrators.

What is best?

  • Works for Linux, Windows, macOS, and other operating systems.
  • Available in Kali Linux
  • Ability to crack wireless network encryption
  • Free of cost

What could be better?

  • Difficult to install
  • No GUI
  • Excels at outdated WEP encryption

With its suite of network penetration testing tools, Aircrack-ng comes as a close third to the likes of Nmap and Wireshark.

10. BeEF



  • Platform: Linux, Windows
  • Scanner Capacity: Web browsers, network perimeters
  • Manual pentest: No
  • Accuracy: False positives possible
  • Vulnerability management: No
  • Compliance: No
  • Price: Open-source

BeEF or Browser Exploitation Framework is one of the best open-source penetration testing tools but with a better interface and additional features to the tool considered to be its predecessor, Autopwn2.

BeEF is mainly designed to launch client-side attacks against a victim’s browser in order to successfully hook it. Once this is done, BeEF offers a variety of options for exploitation.

Key features of this tool penetration testing tool include looking past hardened network perimeters and examining the exploitability in the context of an open door.

Who is it for?
Beginners in ethical hacking and professional ethical hackers.

What is best?

  • Easy to set up and use.
  • Easy for beginners and professionals alike.
  • Powerful features as well as offering penetration testing.

What could be better?

  • The user interface isn’t interactive enough.
  • Configuration can be confusing.
  • The support team is not responsive.

BeEF’s key features are mainly for web application and network perimeter vulnerability detection. However its UI and support team leaves more to be desired.

11. Ettercap



  • Platform: Linux, MacOS, Windows except Windows 10, Solaris
  • Scanner Capacity: Web applications, network security
  • Manual pentest: No
  • Accuracy: False positives possible
  • Vulnerability management: No
  • Compliance: No
  • Price: Open-source

Ettercap is designed for the testing of web security. The tool mainly helps with man-in-the-middle attacks.
Ettercap’s GUI environment runs through its console. It allows DNS spoofing as well as DoS attacks to be launched against specific devices within a network.

Other features of Ettercap include DNS Spoofing, DoS Attacks, Man-in-the-Middle Attacks and are available in the Kali Linux bundle.

Who is it for?
Pentesters and cybersecurity professionals.

What is best?

  • Widely used penetration testing tool.
  • Available on Kali Linux.
  • Completely free of use.
  • Creates an excellent Man-in-the-Middle.

What could be better?

  • Not enough budget so the software isn’t up to date.
  • Cannot run on Windows 10.
  • The interface is a little dated.

The tool is great to launch man-in-the-middle attacks and is available on Kali Linux making it widely available. However, the software is not up to date.

12. Kali Linux


  • Platform: Linux
  • Scanner Capacity: Web applications, networks, APIs
  • Manual pentest: No
  • Accuracy: False positives possible
  • Vulnerability management: No
  • Compliance: No
  • Price: Open-source

Kali Linux is a Debian-based platform designed for penetration testing provided by Offensive Security. Kali Linux offers a collection of tools that can be used for penetration testing.

Kali offers multi-language support, allows for the complete customization of Kali ISO, and has over 600 penetration testing tools available within it.

It has a trustworthy operating system, with various accessibility features, and supports various single-board systems like Raspberry Pi.

The platform comes with the latest patches and works with any number of wireless devices. It offers a forensic mode to disable features that can change data in the system that is analyzed.

Who is it for?
Ethical hacker, pentester and cybersecurity professional.

What is best?

  • Open source tool.
  • A large collection of online pentest tools.
  • High-level stability.

What could be better?

  • Not recommended for beginners.
  • Installation can be tedious.
  • Difficult user-interface.

Kali Linux is a perfect and must-have suite for any skilled pentester and its numerous pros certainly outweigh the cons with ease due to the wide, veritable range of tools available with it.

Penetration Testing Services & Paid Pentest Tools & Scanners

13. Rapid7 



  • Platform: Linux, Windows, macOS
  • Scanner Capacity: Cloud and Web Applications
  • Manual pentest: Yes
  • Accuracy: False positives possible
  • Vulnerability management: Yes
  • Compliance: CIS, ISO 27001
  • Price: $175/month

Rapid7 is one of the top penetration testing firms with their resources focused on empowering protectors to build solid and sustainable security.

Their pentest services are based on a deep understanding of methods applied by hackers to attack your systems.

They collaborate with the global security community to bring about better, more prolific security solutions, faster. Their services include detection and response, security scanning, and vulnerability management.

Who is it for?
Security teams of large organizations and other organizations in need of penetration testing services.

What is best?

  • Great for finding hidden vulnerabilities
  • They maintain top-notch threat intelligence
  • Scalable security solution.

What could be better?

  • Users have reported issues with functionality and customer support
  • The devices that are scanned have to be removed manually

Rapid7’s pentesting services are just the icing on the cake along with its vulnerability management services. They have a great threat intelligence program.

14. Cobalt



  • Platform: Linux, Windows
  • Scanner Capacity: Web and mobile applications, APIs, Networks, and Cloud
  • Manual pentest: Yes
  • Accuracy: False positives possible
  • Vulnerability management: Yes
  • Compliance: SOC2, PCI-DSS, HIPAA, CREST
  • Price: $ 1650/Credit (8 pentesting hours)

Cobalt.io is one of the top manual penetration testing tools that help you connect with pen-testers according to your security testing needs. They have programs that allow you to get a pentest done in a short time.

This tool is automated and generally availed for web applications. It provides management service for an organization’s infrastructure.

Cobalt’s SaaS platform helps you gather real-time insights so that your teams can get on with the remediation quickly. It helps you with cloud scanning and other forms of pentesting.

Who is it for?
Pen testers, SaaS application providers and other cybersecurity professionals.

What is best?

  • Impressive existing clientele including Nissan and Vodafone.
  • 14-day trial period.
  • Accelerated find to fix cycles

What could be better?

  • The retest often takes too much time
  • Complex pricing structure
  • Reported false positives

Cobalt is the ideal tool for manual penetration testing services, it also comes with a 14-day trial period for its automated scanning and pentest services.

15. Burp Suite



  • Platform: Windows, macOS
  • Scanner Capacity: Web applications
  • Manual pentest: Yes
  • Accuracy: False positives possible
  • Vulnerability management: No
  • Compliance:  PCI-DSS, OWASP Top 10, HIPAA, GDPR
  • Price:  $449/per user/per year

Burp Suite is one of the popular manual penetration testing tools that is very useful for ethical hackers, pentesters, and security engineers. Let us explore some of the tools included in Burp Suite.

  • Spider: It is a web crawler used for mapping the target application. You can create an inventory of all the endpoints, monitor their functionalities, and look for vulnerabilities with Spider.
  • Proxy: A proxy is placed between the browser and the internet to monitor, and modify the in-transit requests and responses.
  • Intruder: It runs a set of values through an input point and lets you analyze the output for success, failure, and content length.

These aside the suite includes Repeater, Sequencer, Decoder, Extender, and some other add-on tools.

Burp Suite has both a free community edition and a commercial edition.

Who is it for?
Beginners, professional ethical hackers, and also security professionals.

What is best?

  • Has both open-source and commercial editions.
  • User-friendly interface.
  • Best internal penetration testing tools.

What could be better?

  • Requires better integrations.
  • The commercial product is pricey.
  • The free version has lesser features.

BurpSuite is undeniably a gold standard in terms of penetration testing tools and it comes in both a free and commercial plan making it very accessible.

16. Acunetix



  • Platform: Windows, macOS
  • Scanner Capacity: Web applications
  • Manual pentest: No
  • Accuracy: False positives possible
  • Vulnerability management: Yes
  • Compliance: OWASP, ISO 27001, PCI-DSS, NIST
  • Price: $4,495/website

This is a vulnerability scanner that was designed for efficiency promising 90% scan results by the time the scan is halfway completed. It also allows the scanning of multiple environments as well as the prioritization of vulnerabilities.

Its key features include the ability to pinpoint vulnerability locations, and optimization for script-heavy sites among others. Acunetix is a good choice among the best pentest tools for windows.

One of the best parts of its service offerings is that it shows you the exact lines of code that need to be fixed in order to get rid of a vulnerability.

Other key features include minimal false positives ensured and deployable on-premise or in the cloud.
Who is it for?
Large organizations in any industry.
What is better?

  • Time release of updates
  • Can find a wide array of vulnerabilities.
  • Agile testing with detailed reports

What could be better?

  • Does not provide expert remediation assistance with professionals.
  • Does not ensure zero false positives.
  • Pricing is not mentioned.
  • Dated user interface with scope for improvement.

Acunetix is a very scalable solution that is ideal for large organizations owing to its quick and accurate scans and pentests.

17. Nessus



  • Platform: Windows, macOS
  • Scanner Capacity: Web applications
  • Manual pentest: No
  • Accuracy: False positives possible
  • Vulnerability management: Yes (Additional Cost)
  • Compliance: HIPAA, ISO, NIST, PCI-DSS
  • Price:  $5,880.20/ year

Nessus aims to simplify vulnerability assessments and make remediation more efficient.

Tenable Nessus helps you extend your security assessment from traditional IT assets to cloud infrastructures. It keeps the zero false positives low while also covering a wide range of vulnerabilities.

Out of all the best-automated penetration testing tools, Nessus can test your systems for 65k vulnerabilities and allows efficient vulnerability assessment.
Who is it for?
Cybersecurity professionals, and security teams of enterprises.
What is best?

  • Has a free version.
  • Accurate identification of vulnerabilities.
  • Good automated penetration testing tool.

What could be better?

  • The free version does not have a lot of features.
  • The commercialized version can be expensive.

Nessus by Tenable is one of the most commonly used website vulnerability scanning tools however does not come with manual pentesting.

This is the complete and comprehensive list of the best pentest tools for 2023.

Comparison Table of Best Penetration Testing Software

$175/ year
$175/ year
Scan Behind Login
Pentesting By Security Experts
Number of Vulnerability Scans
Continuous Automated Scanning
Zero false positive with vetted scans
Cloud security review for GCP/Azure/AWS
Compliance reporting
Publicly verifiable pentest certificate
Collaboration with expert pentesters
Remediation support within 24 hours
Continuous compliance scanning
Actionable vulnerability risk scoring

Pentest Tools Categories

Each step of the pentest process requires a specific category of tools. Be it gathering information about the target website, scanning for vulnerabilities, or exploiting those vulnerabilities, every task requires certain capabilities. Here are the most important ones.

Port Scanners

Ports help you distinguish between different sources of traffic on a network. Port scanners send packets to identify open ports and thus uncover vulnerabilities.

Vulnerability Scanners

A vulnerability scanner, as we have already discussed, is usually an automated penetration testing tool that searches your website, application, or network for known vulnerabilities. The scanner reports the vulnerabilities along with their CVSS score.

Network Sniffers

Network administrators can use Network sniffers to monitor network traffic and find vulnerabilities. It is used by hackers too in a similar capacity.

Intercept Proxy

An intercepting proxy lies between the client-side browser and the internet and intercepts the traffic. It can monitor, modify, or alter the requests and responses.

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Reasons Why Penetration Testing Is a Necessity

With the right pentesting team and the best penetration testing tools, the process can be an incredible measure to assess and strengthen an organization’s security posture.

What Makes Penetration Testing Important?

  • You get a comprehensive understanding of your organization’s security posture which is simply not possible with just a vulnerability scan.
  • You come to truly understand the risk posed by the vulnerabilities. It helps you appreciate the ROI of security exercises.
  • Security experts who conduct a pen test of your systems are the best people to help you fix the vulnerabilities.
  • It becomes easier for the management to spend on security when they have a clearer understanding of the threat scenario.
  • The hacker-like approach of a pen tester helps you understand how your current security measures would fare against a potent threat.
  • There are multiple security regulations that require you to conduct frequent penetration testing, so the matter of compliance is always there.

Penetration testing is a repetitive procedure. You have to make it a practice, ideally, a part of your software development life cycle if that is part of your business. A pentest certificate is only valid until your next feature update, or a new vulnerability is found. It is frustrating in that way, but with the right people wielding good pentesting software, it becomes a breeze.

How Are Penetration Testing And Vulnerability Assessments Different?

Vulnerability Assessment is an essential part of penetration testing. It is usually an automated procedure that unearths the possible vulnerabilities in a website, network, or application. It is a fast, accurate, and machine learning-driven exercise, that gives you a surface-level understanding of your security posture.

Penetration testing takes it further. Pen testers use a hacker-like approach to manually find hidden vulnerabilities and exploit certain vulnerabilities to learn more about them – how easy it was to exploit, whether the attacker was able to attain a privilege escalation, whether it allows a persistent backdoor, etc.

Now, that you have a fair understanding of the various kinds of tools used by pentesters and also an idea of the best penetration testing tools, let us look back at the top of our list for a bit.

To Conclude

It is time for you to act. You have browsed through a list of the pentest tools that listed some of the top tools like Astra Pentest, Burp Suite, Rapid7, and other open-source penetration testing tools such as OWASP ZAP, Wireshark, and more.

Choosing Astra Pentest for your penetration testing needs means you are a step closer to creating a secure environment for your business as well as your customers. Take this forward. Talk to a security expert. Learn what your organization lacks in terms of cyber security and take the necessary measures.

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