Black Market Exchange Rates Today from 11102023 cannot guarantee trustworthiness of the contacts listed here. Please, DO NOT TRADE with the users listed here; use this platform only for data purposes.
Some sell rates extracted from the user comments on this page:
Currency | Rate | Date | User Nick |
USD | ₦ 1015 | 10/10/2023 | King Tiga > |
USD | ₦ 1020 | 10/10/2023 | Alhaji is.. > |
USD | ₦ 1010 | 10/10/2023 | Yusuf Dan.. > |
USD | ₦ 1015 | 09/10/2023 | Alhaji is.. > |
EUR | ₦ 1060 | 10/10/2023 | King Tiga > |
EUR | ₦ 1065 | 10/10/2023 | Alhaji is.. > |
EUR | ₦ 1060 | 09/10/2023 | Alhaji is.. > |
EUR | ₦ 1055 | 09/10/2023 | Alhaji Ab.. > |
GBP | ₦ 1280 | 10/10/2023 | King Tiga > |
GBP | ₦ 1280 | 10/10/2023 | Alhaji is.. > |
GBP | ₦ 1280 | 10/10/2023 | Yusuf Dan.. > |
GBP | ₦ 1270 | 09/10/2023 | Alhaji is.. > |
CAD | ₦ 810 | 10/10/2023 | King Tiga > |
CAD | ₦ 760 | 09/10/2023 | Cobalt+23.. > |
XOF | ₦ 1520 | 10/10/2023 | King Tiga > |
XOF | ₦ 1400 | 09/10/2023 | Abba yush.. > |
XAF | ₦ 1500 | 10/10/2023 | King Tiga > |
XAF | ₦ 1360 | 09/10/2023 | Abba yush.. > |
ZAR | ₦ 60 | 10/10/2023 | King Tiga > |
RMB | ₦ 137 | 10/10/2023 | King Tiga > |
RMB | ₦ 142.3 | 09/10/2023 | ChinaBoy > |
AED | ₦ 240 | 09/10/2023 | Abba yush.. > | cannot guarantee correctness of the sell rates shared by users listed above.
Some buy rates extracted from the user comments on this page:
Currency | Rate | Date | User Nick |
USD | ₦ 1000 | 10/10/2023 | King Tiga > |
USD | ₦ 1005 | 10/10/2023 | Alhaji is.. > |
USD | ₦ 1000 | 10/10/2023 | Yusuf Dan.. > |
USD | ₦ 1000 | 09/10/2023 | Alhaji is.. > |
EUR | ₦ 1035 | 10/10/2023 | King Tiga > |
EUR | ₦ 1040 | 10/10/2023 | Alhaji is.. > |
EUR | ₦ 1030 | 09/10/2023 | Alhaji is.. > |
EUR | ₦ 1020 | 09/10/2023 | Alhaji Ab.. > |
GBP | ₦ 1250 | 10/10/2023 | King Tiga > |
GBP | ₦ 1250 | 10/10/2023 | Alhaji is.. > |
GBP | ₦ 1245 | 10/10/2023 | Yusuf Dan.. > |
GBP | ₦ 1255 | 09/10/2023 | Alhaji Ab.. > |
CAD | ₦ 780 | 10/10/2023 | King Tiga > |
XOF | ₦ 1470 | 10/10/2023 | King Tiga > |
XAF | ₦ 1450 | 10/10/2023 | King Tiga > |
ZAR | ₦ 42 | 10/10/2023 | King Tiga > | cannot guarantee correctness of the buy rates shared by users listed above.
King Tiga11:24 10/10/2023We buy USD: 1000, EURO: 1035, GBP: 1250, CAD: 780, RAND: 42, WON: 420, CAMEROUN CEFA CASH: 1450, COTONOU CEFA: 1470, We sell USD: 1015, RAND: 60, CAD: 810, EURO: 1060, GBP: 1280, CFA: 1500, CTO: 1520, RMB ACCT/ALIPAY: 137/141. Please message me directly if you have USD, EURO, CFA/CTO, RAND or GBP for sale. We also have USD, EURO, RAND, GBP, CFA/CTO and RMB for sale via TRANSFER too.. My office is in EXCHANGE LINE, international main market Onitsha, Anambra State. We can deal via cash or transfer. Please kindly contact me on WhatsApp with +2348175792190 for good rates. Thanks 🙏🏼
Yusuf Dan Umma06:21 10/10/2023Good morning today we are buying dollars for 1000 selling 1010 EUR 1035 selling 1065 pounds Sterling 1245 selling 1280 And we are buying XAF ADE XOF RMB Yuan and others our address is FABDAL PLAZA zone 4 Abuja you can call or WhatsApp on 07034679496 don’t forget successful transaction is better than high rate, thanks.
Alhaji Abubakar14:03 09/10/2023Good morning All We open market with our Good buying and selling rates for today USD=#995 1008 EUR=#1020 1055 GBP=#1255 1272 We have good rate for any currency global’ business plan 👍 INFLOW/CASH -::- ZENITH, UBA,POLARIS,TITAN,FCMB,GTBANK, PROVIUS,KEYSTONE AND FIRST BANK and location local airport ikeja obi village beside arik bus stop Contact 0813 863 8838 or 08085250757
AlajiKaybi11:34 09/10/2023Today we buy dollar$@ 995 We deal with pounds sell and euro also …WhatsApp or call 08147362710 Location: Oja Oba Akure Ondo state
Abba yushau11:15 09/10/2023Good morning All We open market with our Good buying and selling rates for today USD=#1010, EUR=#1055, GBP=#1240, AED=#240, XAF=#1,360, XOF=# 1,400, We have good rate for any currency global business plan 👍 INFLOW/CASH FLOW DEPOSIT-::- ZENITH, UBA,POLARIS,TITAN,FCMB,GTBANK, PROVIUS,KEYSTONE AND FIRST BANK Address:- Constantine street, wuse zone4 plaza, bulama house Call or via whatsapp:-08136850914 08137444388
Yusuf Dan Umma07:48 09/10/2023Good morning today we are buying dollars for 997 selling 1010 EUR 1035 selling 1065 pounds Sterling 1245 selling 1285 And we also buy FRC RMB Yuan and others our address is FABDAL PLAZA zone 4 Abuja you can call or WhatsApp on 07034679496 don’t forget successful transaction is better than high rate, thanks.
Yusuf Dan Umma14:45 08/10/2023Good morning today we are buying dollars for 998 selling 1010 EUR 1035 selling 1065 pounds Sterling 1240 selling 1280 And we are buying FRC RMB Yuan and others our address is FABDAL PLAZA zone 4 Abuja you can call or WhatsApp on 07034679496 don’t forget successful transaction is better than high rate, thanks.
Me kudi BDC06:48 07/10/2023Today we buy Dollar @985, and sell 1010. We also buy Pounds Sterling @1100 sell 1200, Euro 1035, sell @1065. Buy AED @200. SRA @200. OFFICE ADDRESS FABDAL PLAZA beside zone 4 plaza. Call or Whatsapp at 08059316473
Alhaji Abubakar06:45 07/10/2023Good morning All We open market with our Good buying and selling rates for today USD=#990 1003 EUR=#1035 1055 GBP=#1255 1272 We have good rate for any currency global’ business plan 👍 INFLOW/CASH -::- ZENITH, UBA,POLARIS,TITAN,FCMB,GTBANK, PROVIUS,KEYSTONE AND FIRST BANK and location local airport ikeja obi village beside arik bus stop Contact 0813 863 8838 or 08085250757
DECEMBER RUSH BDC09:22 06/10/2023Today we Buy Dollar cash Deposit(💵985-990), inflow (995). Selling $1000. We buy pounds, Euro and Cad etc …WhatsApp or call 07032303628. Office address: 29B Afolabi Aina Street Off Awolowo Way Allen ikeja Lagos we are available 24/7✅
King Tiga11:11 28/09/2023We buy USD: 990, EURO: 1040, GBP: 1255, CAD: 750 RAND: 40, WON: 420, CAMEROUN CEFA CASH: 1440, COTONOU CEFA: 1470, We sell USD: 1005, RAND: 58, CAD: 790, EURO: 1060, GBP: 1280, CFA: 1510, CTO: 1530, RMB ACCT/ALIPAY: 137.8/139.2. Please message me directly if you have USD, EURO, CFA/CTO, RAND or GBP for sale. We also have USD, EURO, RAND, GBP, CFA/CTO and RMB for sale via TRANSFER too.. My office is in EXCHANGE LINE, international main market Onitsha, Anambra State. We can deal via cash or transfer. Please kindly contact me on WhatsApp with +2348175792190 for good rates. Thanks 🙏🏼
King Tiga21:17 04/10/2023@ DC I don’t deal on AU. @ 09066781508 I don’t deal on Bahrain fils.
DC12:03 03/10/2023What is your rate for AUD?
0906678150817:45 01/10/2023Do you buy Bahrain fils??
Me kudi BDC18:57 04/10/2023Today we buy Dollar @955, and sell 1005. We also buy Pounds Sterling @1255 sell 1285, Euro 1035, sell @1065. Buy AED @200. SRA @200. OFFICE ADDRESS FABDAL PLAZA beside zone 4 plaza. Call or Whatsapp at 08059316473
Michael07:20 04/10/2023Why the exchange is high everyday? How can I exchange for naira to CFA?
DECEMBER RUSH BDC10:38 03/10/2023Today we Buy Dollar cash deposit💵990, inflow 1000. Selling $1010. We buy pounds, Euro and Cad etc …WhatsApp or call 07032303628. Office address: 29B Afolabi Aina Street Off Awolowo Way Allen ikeja Lagos we are available 24/7✅
AlajiKaybi10:31 03/10/2023Today we buy dollar$@ 995 We deal with pounds sell and euro also …WhatsApp or call 08147362710 Location: Oja Oba Akure Ondo state
Alhaji Abubakar06:06 03/10/2023Good morning All We open market with our Good buying and selling rates for today USD=#995 1007 EUR=#1035 1055 GBP=#1255 1272 We have good rate for any currency global’ business plan 👍 INFLOW/CASH -::- ZENITH, UBA,POLARIS,TITAN,FCMB,GTBANK, PROVIUS,KEYSTONE AND FIRST BANK and location local airport ikeja obi village beside arik bus stop Contact 0813 863 8838 or 08085250757
MR SANNI10:56 02/10/2023Good morning Today we Buy Dollar Cash Deposit @ 1000/$/$cash @ hand 1005/$we buy inflow 980/$ and SELL 995/$ We deals with pounds 1220/£ sell 1240/£ and euro 1010/€ sell 1040/€ etc …WhatsApp or call @08141775139 Location:: Ogun State ijebu_ode