Brand New “GoDaddy Killer” Software Lets You Start Your Own Domain & Hosting Registrar

Brand New “GoDaddy Killer” Software Lets You Start Your Own Domain & Hosting Registrar: Register Unlimited Domains With Built-In Hosting For Yourself & To Sell To Others!
Your Very Own Domain & Hosting Shop Awaits | Cancel Your Existing Domain Renewals & Hosting Subscriptions Today | 100% Newbie Friendly
Watch This Awesome
Video & See In Action!
No Prior Technical Skills Or Experience Needed.
Start your own domain registrar service with built-in shop
Auto-add millions of domains from every TLD (.com, .net, .org, etc.)
Sell unlimited domains to others and get paid for every sale
The system automatically registers the domain and pays you
Register domain names for yourself and only pay the rock-bottom registration fee
New for 2023: Upsell hosting offers that are already built-in & get paid
New for 2023: DNS nameserver setup is handled by our team
Monetize further with ads, upsell offers, affiliate products or services
Unlimited traffic built-in, no need to get any traffic yourself
Blazing fast hosting included: your domain shop has 99.9% GUARANTEED uptime
Free SSL encryption included
Other domain companies pay YOU to help them crush Namecheap & GoDaddy
Fight inflation by canceling your existing pricy domain subscriptions
Help others fight inflation also: sell them domains & hosting at lower prices vs competition
100% newbie friendly
No technical skills or experience needed
Zero monthly fees
HURRY! FREE Commercial License Expires In…

Your Own Domain & Hosting Registration Service For Yourself & Your Clients In Just 3 Simple Steps!

Step #1
Login To And Start Your Own Domain Shop & Hosting Provider!
(There is NOTHING for you to setup or configure – hosting is included, millions of domains included, just add your payment details and start collecting checks!)

Step #2:
Get Paid Every Time Someone Registers A Domain Or Signs Up For Hosting & Get Lowest Prices For Yourself!
(Sales are automatically handled by the system. Only pay the rock-bottom registration fee for yourself, without other companies taking a cut!)

Step #3:
Monetize Your Shop Further With Upsells, Ads, Affiliate Products!
Offer in-cart upgrades for SEO services, display ads and promote affiliate products all 100% automated! Is So REVOLUTIONARY – Results Are Coming In Faster Than Ever Before…
… AND Let’s Not Forget The Most Important Part: Traffic is 100% Built-In And Automated…

Easy Traffic That Turns Into Fast, Easy Commissions…

And The BEST Part…? Others Are Already Having Success With It Too!

Wayne Watts User & Newbie Marketer
I was fortunate enough to get an early copy of and let me tell you I’ve been blown away by how easy it was for me to start selling domain names to other people almost instantly. It’s all step by step, 100% newbie friendly and the support the guys offer is unparalleled. It’s not one of those apps where you’re left to figure everything out by yourself! Not to mention, it actually WORKS! It freaking works! I’m banking $500 and $1,000 in daily sales on my own domain store! I highly recommend this to anyone!

Nigel Willis User & Newbie Marketer
When I first logged into I couldn’t believe how well the whole system works! I’m already making more than $1280 in domain registrations & sales after setting it up only 2 weeks ago! It’s super easy, even a newbie like myself could do it with just a few clicks. Open, insert your payment details, and then get your unique domain registrar set up & published! They handle everything from payments, to delivery & registration so you can just sell straight away to customers, then BOOM in 60 seconds you have your own money making machine up and running – it’s just a magical piece of software! I’m the biggest fan of!

Robin Richardson User & Newbie Marketer has enabled me to quit my job and become a full time online entrepreneur! It’s a dream come true for me as I’m able to be paid for copy/paste domains to my clients, without having to do any of the work myself. The current price for is just INSANE! I’ve made it back within the first hour of using it! Right now I have a $527 order with 50 pending domains on my shop that will take me 2 minutes to complete & deliver! My advice is buy it before they realize and increase the price!

Jeannie Koh User & Newbie Marketer has my highest recommendation! I can register unlimited domains for myself and only pay the rock-bottom registration fee. It takes out all the fat margins regular registrars add to their domain selling, so you make your money back from the first domain! Plus, using it is extremely simple and intuitive even for a newbie like me, it only takes a minute using the step-by-step domain wizard they have – and they show you how to do it with very newbie friendly training! I’ve already made $1650.39 in sales with besides all the money I’ve saved for myself by getting better domain rates than ever before in my life! 10/10 from me!
Get Started With This Revolutionary New Software Today!

LIMITED TIME: – Free Commercial License Is Included, Meaning You Can Use To Sell
Domains From Your Own Registrar Service (undercut GoDaddy & NameCheap!)
Upsell Services Domain Owner Needs Like Hosting, Website Builder Or SEO (These Sell Themselves!)
Your Own Products Or Affiliate Offers Using Built-In Ads!
Other Small Registrars Even Pay You Huge Commissions If You Sell Their Domains (They Pay You To Help Them Crush The Big Guys!)
*New for 2023: DNS Nameserver setup is handled by our team!*

There Are Over 350 MILLION Active Domain Subscriptions Right Now!

Brandable Domain Names Can Fetch Anywhere Between $4375 and $27,888 EACH!

Now Here’s The Kicker…
There Are 350M+ People Paying $20/Year EVERY YEAR And Get Tons Of Downsides!
Imagine if you could offer them initial registration for much lower than competitors AND rock-bottom renewals fees that pay you yearly without any work on your end.
Then monetize it further and use the initial sale as a way to get them onto your hosting, SEO or website building services.
Then monetize it further and use the initial sale as a way to get them onto your hosting, SEO or website building services.
They’d Be RUNNING To Give You Their Money!

Not to mention you can use it for yourself free forever and finally cancel your own domain subscriptions (only pay the rock-bottom registration fee – no commission goes to any of the big names)…

… And you can even set up free access accounts for family and friends as well!

Feeling STUCK!? Let Us Hand You The Biggest Online Business On Earth For 2023 & Beyond…
Imagine if minutes from now you could set up your very domain registration platform and get paid every time someone browses your shop or registers a domain…

… and you could do it all today while canceling your OWN GoDaddy & Namecheap domain renewals all thanks to a revolutionary new app called lets YOU create your very own domain registrar & hosting subscription platform, and start selling as many domains and hosting packages as you could dream of.

It’s all automated – you get your own platform set up for you, and customers can purchase from there… you can set ANY prices you want to!

When you get an order, the system automatically registers the domain, pays the rock-bottom registration fee, then sends you the difference.

You can further monetize your domain & hosting shop with banner ads, affiliate offers or by selling additional services like hosting, SEO, etc. (and of course you can use it for yourself free of charge too!)

And It’s All…
Drag & Drop Easy To Set-Up!
It’s AI-Based So Once You Configure It In The Beginning You Don’t Need To Do Anything Else!
It Only Takes ONE Click To Publish!

A Revolution In Internet Marketing Like NO Other…
This Will Change The Way YOU Market Online Today!
Introducing –…

Time To Take The Shortcut For Fast Results And Finally Cash In Just Like The “Big Guys!”
All With 1 Click…All Automated Inside…

Start Your Very Own Domain Registrar Service With Built-In Shop!

Auto-Add Millions Of Domains From Every TLD (.com, .net, .org, etc!)

The System Automatically Registers The Domain & Pays You!

Register Domain Names For Yourself And Only Pay The Rock-Bottom Registration Fee!

Sell Unlimited Domains And Get Paid For Every Sale!

New For 2023: DNS Nameserver Setup Handled By Our Team!

New For 2023: Hosting is included (+ You Can Sell Hosting To Others Too!)

Monetize With Affiliate Offers & Built-In Ads!

Built-in Traffic: No Need To Get Any Traffic Yourself!

Blazing Fast Hosting Included: Guaranteed 99% Uptime To Your Domain Shop!


FREE Viral Traffic Included!

Cancel Your Current Monthly Domain Renewals!

Commercial License INCLUDED: Sell Unlimited Domains To Clients!

Fight Inflation By Lowering Yours And Your Customers Monthly Expenses!

100% Newbie Friendly

NO INSTALLATION REQUIRED – Is Cloud-Based & Compatible With All Computers & YES, We Even Have A Dedicated Mobile-Friendly Platform!

24/7 White Glove Support Has You Covered!

All The Hard Work – DONE FOR YOU!
Get Instant Access To!

Your Very Own 99% Automated Done-For-You Business

Starting your own domain & hosting selling service has never been easier:

Step 1: Login to the cloud interface & insert Your payment details!
Step 2: Your own domain & hosting shop is set up for you, and sales automatically handled by the system…all fully-hosted with no expense!
Step 3: Get paid any time someone registers a domain/hosting from your shop plus monetize with ads, affiliate offers and own services!

How Cool And Easy Is THAT?!

You probably already own a few domain names yourself…I know because I have over 50 of them!

Buying them from GoDaddy or Namecheap is always a headache, with nonstop upsells and paying 3-4x when renewing them a year later.

And along with you, so are over 350 million other people. Yes – 350M+ active domain subscriptions renewing each year.

It’s such a huge market (not to mention hosting subscriptions)…it’s just mind boggling!

Now imagine being able not just to cancel your own domain/hosting subscriptions FOREVER, but also start selling these to OTHERS at rock-bottom prices – much lower than GoDaddy, Namecheap or Hostgator! lets you do it all – and it’s AI-based so once you configure it in the beginning, you really don’t need to do anything else!

That’s right: get ready to own your very own domain/hosting selling service where you can:
Auto-add millions of domains from every TLD (.com, .net, .org, etc.)
Sell unlimited domains and get paid for every sale
Sell unlimited hosting packages and get paid for every sale
Register domain names for yourself and only pay the rock-bottom registration fee
Monetize further with ads, upsell offers, affiliate products or services
Unlimited traffic built-in, no need to get any traffic yourself
Blazing fast hosting included: your domain shop has 99.9% GUARANTEED uptime
Free SSL encryption included
It’s that simple… is the next big step in domain & hosting registration AS WELL AS the next big step for YOU in your online business!

Anyone Can Do This – And It Only Takes A Few Clicks!
Watch Our Quick Demo Video and See For Yourself…

Let’s Face It…

We all know that the domain name & hosting industries are HUGE. And you can clearly see just how it is to SELL your own domains & hosting to other people.

But trying to do it by yourself is tough and you’d have a very hard time getting a breakthrough.

And that’s because…

Before, You Couldn’t Really Earn Money From Domains…
You actually had to PAY every year for the privilege of even having a domain for yourself, while making huge corporations richer and having to endure higher and higher prices and more and more “nickel and diming”!

…While making huge corporations richer and having to endure higher and higher prices and more and more “nickel and diming”!

Lucky for you – spins it all on its head and enables anyone – yes even complete newbies – the ability to cancel their existing recurring domain payments for themselves, AND start cashing in from domain sales to others!

All with zero costs… Revolutionizes ALL Of That – Getting YOU Unlimited Domains & Hosting On Demand…
Here’s what is NOT:
[NO] Complex software [it’s fully AI-based] [NO] Crazy paying annual fees for domains & hosting
[NO] Learning Curve [selling, registration ALL DFY] [NO] Experience needed – 100% Free, 100% Easy to use, 100% works EVERY TIME!
…Can You Say “Cha-Ching”?!

We Set Out To ALLOW ANYONE To Profit From Their Own Domain & Hosting Selling Business…
Just login into your 100% cloud based account and follow our 1-click formula…you’ll get massive results for yourself or clients within 60 seconds.

Plus – the software is so easy to use…it’s MAGIC!

Step 1: Login to the cloud interface & insert Your payment details!

Step 2: Your own domain/hosting shop is set up for you, and sales automatically handled by the system…all fully-hosted with no expense!

Step 3: Get paid any time someone registers a domain/hosting from your shop plus monetize with ads, affiliate offers and own services!

You see, we understood the issues AND came up with a WINNING SOLUTION for EVERYONE…

With, We’re Able To Produce Income LIKE THIS At The Touch Of A Button…

Get Instant Access To Now!

PROOF! This Gets YOU Extraordinary Results…

Shane Goldfinch User & Newbie Marketer
This is just incredible guys! I’m finally able to live the dream Internet “laptop lifestyle”. Just today, I’ve used for 30 minutes to create 10 different domains for a client’s website project and already got $2310.15 in sales paid to me! is the BEST!

Joy Kabuga User & Newbie Marketer
I have to say I’m shocked at how well this works. I still can’t believe my eyes: I’ve already earned more than $500 today just from automatically selling custom domains on Fiverr… is the best software I’ve ever bought in my life!

Paul McGill User & Newbie Marketer is life-changing! I’m so tired of BS apps that never work, I was skeptical when I bought this too – boy was I wrong! This app is bringing sales for me every day like clockwork, all I have to do is let it run in the background! Just last week I got more than $1,000… that’s more than what I’m getting at my job!

AshwathSS User & Newbie Marketer
As a retiree, I need a little side income to help me with my expenses. is exactly that and more: it’s very simple to use, I just click a couple of buttons every day, register domains and get paid for it! This is truly “next-level” and they make it sooo simple to use even an “old man” like me can use it! Finally a software that actually does what it says!

Who Is For?
Any person who wants to lower their yearly expenses and cancel existing expensive domain/hosting renewal subscriptions
Anyone who wants to register domains by only paying the registration fee and no additional cost (sometimes the profit margin on domains set by big corporations is as high as 95%!)
Anyone who wants to finally tap into the 350M/year domain industry and get paid with very little work
Affiliate marketers who want to make more sales from ads and offers
Email marketers who quickly want to build their lists
And The Best Part…?
It’s 100% newbie-friendly AND has been designed from the ground up by marketers FOR marketers.

Plus we’re making it better every single day based upon our customer suggestions.

That means – no limitations or restrictions, user friendly-interface and industry-leading support.

The Bottom Line Is THIS…
You end up the dominant force in your marketplace, all while radically cutting down your costs and increasing your profits!

But Don’t Just Take Our Word For This – Here’s What REAL Marketing Experts Have To Say About…

Art Flair
6 Figure Marketer
Local businesses I work with are blown away by how many domains I can register for them at better prices than they ever got before from my competitors, all thanks to! I pay one-time lifetime registration fee and then I get to charge them yearly for domains with huge fat margins on my behalf!- it’s perfect! The software just works at every level: from newbie to enterprise, just use the built-in setup wizard and you get access to your own army of domains minted in minutes! Just get it today and you’ll be earning by tomorrow! I pitch to clients using the built-in commercial license for $500-$1000 each! I highly recommend to any marketer!

Venkata Ramana
7 Figure App Vendor
As an expert marketer, I have never seen a system that’s easier to use than Guess what: it has helped me double my business nearly overnight! I’m seeing earnings every day from multiple domains I can create with in minutes – it’s lifetime income like never before! I don’t even know which shop template to choose first! has revolutionized my business with just a few clicks, and it’s so easy to use I can see myself moving all of my business over to them!

KME Byrne
Youtube Marketer
The speed with which gets you set up and making money is unparalleled, I get raving reviews from clients, and it only takes me seconds to get thousands of dollars paid to me for generating unlimited domains in any niche and for any market just like that. I’ve already made back 1000x the cost of

Igor Burban
6 Figure Email Marketer
I had my doubts, but was BLOWN AWAY by the quality of – there’s tens of thousands of people using their domain platform and it’s all just working! I never see delays or errors, my income increases insanely fast… I almost don’t want to write this review so I can keep the automatic domain registrar secret for myself, haha! In all honesty, just get it: it will be the best decision you’ve ever made.
Get Started With This Revolutionary New Software Today…

With Your First Campaign Will Pay For Itself…
Imagine being able to save yourself from any bumps or bruises along the way…don’t you think it’s worth it?

HECK YES! And that’s the opportunity that’s available to you right now…for a completely 100% guaranteed and risk-free one-time payment! is ONLY available for a limited time, so click the button below and secure your copy right now…

Let’s Review And Take A Look At Everything You’re Getting Inside Of Today…
Start Your Very Own Domain Registrar Service With Built-In Shop – $997 Value
Auto-Add Millions Of Domains From Every TLD (.com, .net, .org etc.) – $997 Value
The System Automatically Registers The Domain & Pays You – $997 Value
New For 2023: DNS Nameserver Set-Up is DFY – $997 Value
New For 2023: Sell Hosting Packages From Your Store – $997 Value
Register Domain Names For Yourself And Only Pay The Rock-Bottom Registration Fee – $997 Value
Sell Unlimited Domains And Get Paid For Every Sale – $997 Value
Monetize With Affiliate Offers & Built-In Ads – $697 Value
FREE Viral Traffic Built-In – $697 Value
Blazing Fast Hosting Included: Guaranteed 99% Uptime To Your Domain Shop – $697 Value
Commercial License INCLUDED – $697 Value
FREE SSL Encryption INCLUDED – $397 Value
Fight Inflation By Lowering Yours & Your Customers Monthly Expenses – $397 Value
100% Newbie Friendly – $297 Value
24/7 White Glove Support Has You Covered – $297 Value
So you’ve seen how our powerful new cloud software lets you GO BIG like never before…

So you realize missing out on access to is like leaving MASSIVE money on the table…

So click the button to get access today for our low one time fee!


Guaranteed…There’s Absolutely Zero Risk!
Don’t worry. You see, the catch is that this is a special offer, so for a limited time we’re offering this for an extremely low price (take advantage before it changes!)

As such, it’s actually going to be much less than what you think…much less than $11,156…

In fact, not even half that…not even 1/100th of that!

AND CLEARLY – much less than the crappy software’s out there that are charging hundred dollars in fees every month!

You can agree that the price we’re asking is extremely low… but that’s going to change quickly!

The price is rising every few hours, so it won’t be long until it’s more than double what it is today!

We could easily charge hundreds of dollars for a revolutionary tool like this, but we want to offer you an attractive and affordable price that will finally help you win at internet marketing – without wasting a ton of money!

Just take action…and I promise you WILL NOT be disappointed!

If you are a beginner or a seasoned marketer and if you commit and follow this software then you will start to enjoy the luxury of 100% passive sales, automated FREE traffic and a stress-free lifestyle.

Get now and enjoy it for 30 Days.

In the unlikely event that you encounter any technical issues that we are unable to rectify quickly, contact our friendly support concierge desk for a hassle free refund.

We’ll see you on the inside…

Don’t Procrastinate – Take Action NOW & Grab Your Copy Of!
By now you should be really excited about all the wonderful benefits of such an amazing and essential piece of software.

You don’t want to miss out on the wonderful opportunity presented today…And then regret later when it costs more than double…or it’s even completely off the market!

Frequently Asked Questions
Is Cloud-Based?
Yes, is a cloud-based app easy to access from anywhere. Works with Mac, PC and mobile.

Does Cost A Monthly Fee?
Normally yes, but if you act now, you’re getting one-time access to without EVER having to pay a monthly fee 🙂

Is Commercial License Included?
YES – during this early bird launch period, comes with commercial rights which lets you start your own domain-selling business.

Are Others Having Results With
Yes – see the proof above.

Do I Need Any Tech Skills Or Experience To Make This Work?
NO – does ALL the work and is 100% newbie friendly.

Is Support & Training Included?
Absolutely. By purchasing today you can get instant access to the training portal and our 24/7 support desk.