Digital Privacy Training for Journalists, Activists, and Researchers on

Privacy Training for Journalists, Activists, and Researchers

Join our operational security experts for eight weeks of intensive one-on-one training by Dotifi’s founders and unique team of source protection experts.

Learn to publish safely, anonymously. Protect your journalistic sources in our increasingly-surveilled world by using proper threat modeling and privacy tools

Master privacy tech like Tor, secure communication tools like PGP, OTR, and Signal. Learn how to publish anonymously even while working in surveilled jurisdictions with precarious human rights protections.

Progress depends on privacy#

Our diverse group of instructors are activists, researchers, and journalists who have worked at prominent news publications and within vital human rights movements.

Here’s a glimpse at our eight week curriculum:

  • Week 1: Privacy 101, Teaching Platform Orientation
  • Week 2: Threat Modeling, Self-Doxxing, Anonymous Networking
  • Week 3: Tor Intensive: Publishing Anonymously
  • Week 4: PGP Intensive: Securing Comms Under Mass Surveillance
  • Week 5: Group Project – Launch a blog our experts cannot penetrate.
  • Week 6: Source Protection Intensive
  • Week 7: Privacy History, International Freedom of Speech Legal Overview
  • Week 8: Graduation Project – Launch a Pseudonymous Media Organization

Next course: Not scheduled#

$4,000 – Maximum class size of 10, personal direct communication with our founders.

Our last class was a great success. No classes are scheduled at this time.

Contact us over email to communicate your interest: