ENOShKU – Flutterwave Developer Shocked after gettting Support Reply after 9months !

Hi. I am working on a project that requires reoccurring charge of users cards, I saved the card token on the success of the first payment so I can call the charge with token API whenever I want to charge the user for the service being rendered to them.

This is the payload sent
“token”: “flw-t1nf-6fc777898a7af9aedad7e8adf9b9e7bf-k3n”,
“currency”: “NGN”,
“country”: “NG”,
“amount”: 24999.0000,
“email”: “ygnavqezgdmocto@sinaite.net”,
“tx_ref”: “ffe88e6a-f143-4e8e-93e1-2e36b05fc59d”

This is the response I got
“status”: “error”,
“message”: “Transaction is under processing, please use transaction requery to check status”,
“data”: null

I will like to be guided through how to call the API, coz it looks like there is probably something I am missing out in my request


Hi @Akinpelumi_Akintunde :wave:

Thanks for sharing this experience with us.

In order for us to assist you better, I would advise you share with us your initial request and response payload for which the token was generated.

I would remain on standby for your response.


reply after 9 months, wa oo, I am having same issues any way out?

Hi @Azeez_Azeez :wave:

We apologise for the late response,

Thanks for reaching out to us today! Please share with us full details of the actions taken, and error messages shown (if any) when you encountered this issue, for us to assist you better.

I’ll remain on standby for your response,

Best regards,

alright, I am testing tokenized charge in test mode, so i already saved the card token to db.
the req data looks like this
data = {
“token”: flw_token,
“amount”: payment_obj.amount,
“currency”: “USD”,
“tx_ref”: payment_obj.id,

mind ur i also tried the optional params, like country etc. it still gave the below response

{“status”:”error”,”message”:”Transaction is under processing, please use transaction requery to check status”,”data”:null}
error 400

Hi Azeez,

We tried replicating this issue internally. Kindly share the details of the card used to generate the token.

Also, can you take off the user_customer_data in the sample you shared and retry the token call? The API does not support that parameter.

Looking forward to your reply.

**user_customer_data spreads the rest of the user data into the py dict, so it basically means email = user.email, that wasn;t the issue, because removing it didn;t solve it. I am using the mastercard test card on your documentation page. and your responses to this issues are way too slow, like super slow
