Hi. I am working on a project that requires reoccurring charge of users cards, I saved the card token on the success of the first payment so I can call the charge with token API whenever I want to charge the user for the service being rendered to them.
This is the payload sent
“token”: “flw-t1nf-6fc777898a7af9aedad7e8adf9b9e7bf-k3n”,
“currency”: “NGN”,
“country”: “NG”,
“amount”: 24999.0000,
“email”: “ygnavqezgdmocto@sinaite.net”,
“tx_ref”: “ffe88e6a-f143-4e8e-93e1-2e36b05fc59d”
This is the response I got
“status”: “error”,
“message”: “Transaction is under processing, please use transaction requery to check status”,
“data”: null
I will like to be guided through how to call the API, coz it looks like there is probably something I am missing out in my request