Four Signs That Your Partner Loves You Unconditionally. !

A few weeks ago I was going through some personal pain in my life and overreacted to something silly. Afterward, I felt embarrassed to have acted that way in front of my partner. I wondered to myself, why would he want to spend his life with me if I had these kinds of moments?

When I apologized the next morning, my partner reacted with nothing but kindness and understanding.

It has taken me several years for me to accept this but I have come to realize that the love my partner has for me isn’t conditional. He truly accepts me for the person that I am and loves me even though I come with some quirks and faults.

If you are anything like me and need a little reminder sometimes, here are four signs that your partner loves you unconditionally.

1. They trust you completely

I have been in relationships where my boyfriends would go through my phone and then congratulate me on not cheating. Needless to say, I was not happy and it showcased the lack of trust.

Going through someone’s phone and finding no evidence of them cheating on you isn’t trusting them. Instead, you are violating their trust and showing that you don’t respect their boundaries.

If you are in a new relationship with someone that seems stable, secure, and happy, then you can’t project previous trust issues on them. It’s important to keep an eye out for any red flags but you shouldn’t need proof of their loyalty.

2. They support your dreams and ambitions

Right before graduating from college, I was in a relationship with my first serious love. I overheard him say to another one of my friends while we were all out at a bar saying “I don’t want her to go to graduate school, I just want her to marry me.

He wanted different things than I did and often would do things to try to give me to give up on my dreams.

The right partner won’t do this at all. Instead, they will encourage you and they will do everything in their power to help you succeed at your dreams and ambitions.

3. They are transparent/honest with you

Therapy ended up changing my life. I found a fantastic therapist that helped me work through my childhood trauma as well as several emotionally abusive relationships.

On the other hand, when I was in a toxic relationship my partner did everything he could to stop me from seeing a therapist and succeeded. Looking back, I realized it was because he most likely knew and feared that I would wake up to how he was treating me and leave.

When someone loves you unconditionally they are going to encourage you to do everything you can to feel better.

4. They love you in the bad times

At first, I feared that he would leave. I feared that my actions would scare him away and that he wouldn’t want me anymore.

Yet even in the worst of times, he didn’t leave.

Recently we went through a very traumatic experience as a couple. It was during that experience that I realized that even though we were both uncertain of the future, my partner had no doubt that I would be part of his.

No relationship is perfect.

There are going to be ups and downs and there are going to be people that aren’t right for us in the roller-coaster of dating and love.

However, when you find the right person, and you realize that their love is not conditional, it makes the entire journey worth it.