How to start a WhatsApp chat without saving a number !

How to start a WhatsApp chat without saving a number
Open the browser of your choice.
Visit the address …
Upon visiting the page, WhatsApp will direct you to a website with a green message button.
Click on the button to start chatting with the number you entered.

How to: Message someone on WhatsApp without saving them in contact list
Users can chat with someone on WhatsApp without saving them as a contact by making use of WhatsApp’s click to chat feature via an internet browser.

WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging services in the world and is used by millions of people. The app allows us to connect with people from around the globe. In Nigeria, it has more than 400 million users and remains the most preferred service for messaging.

But in some situations, users just want to chat with someone without having to save the contact. But doing this can be a challenge. Not everyone needs to end up on your contacts list. Sometimes it could be the delivery person who wants a location to your address, and WhatsApp is the easiest way to do this. But you might not be keen on saving each person’s number in such situations.

Thankfully, users can chat with a number without saving it by making use of WhatsApp’s click to chat feature via an internet browser. The click to chat feature makes use of shortcut links to start a conversation with any active WhatsApp account.

How to start a WhatsApp chat without saving a number
1. Open the browser of your choice

2. Visit the address

Note: Add the registered WhatsApp mobile number you want to chat with on the phone number field in this format WHATSAPP CHAT ONLY NO CALLS PLEASE THANKS . The country code, which for Nigeria is 234, needs to be added as well.

3. Upon visiting the page, WhatsApp will direct you to a website with a green message button.

4. Click on the button to start chatting with the number you entered.

Users can make use of these steps to message a registered WhatsApp number on both Android and iOS devices without the need to save the contact in your list.

There are various apps that have been designed to offer the same functionality. WhatsDirect is one such app that can be used to achieve the same. The app allows users to enter the phone number they want to start a conversation with, along with a chat message. Users can then tap on send which will redirect them to the main app.