Strump Troopers – Strump Wars The Return of The Je Lie :) Some Hilarious Star Wars Quotes by That Strump !!

Word Of the Day …
Strump Troopers – If Vader dressed in Orange and The Death Star would be the White House !
midichloriens how much alternative facts you can muster as how well can you lie !

I have the most midichlorians, the doctor said he’s never seen anyone with this many midichlorians
I’m going to build a Death Star and make Rebel Scum pay for it.
It’s over Hillary, I have the high ground.
Believe me when I tell you, I have billions and billions of midichlorians. I am the most force sensitive person there is, I know more about the Sith than all of the Jedi do. Trust me




Anakin Skywalk/Darth Vader

(27,000) is the consensus #1 on this list. His count was considered to be off the charts.
Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious (19,000) is usually ranked #2, the most powerful Sith aside from Darth Vader, and slightly above…
Yoda (17,000) is the most powerful Jedi ever.
Luke Skywalker (15,000) is the son of Anakin Skywalker.
Leia Organa (15,000) is Luke Skywalker’s twin, so she has an identical midichlorian count.
Some other notable individuals and the midichlorian estimates:

Anakin Solo/Ben Solo/Kylo Ren (13,500) the son of Leia Organa and Han Solo
Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus (13,500) the Sith who defeated…
Obi-Wan Kenobi (13,400) the Jedi who defeated…
Darth Maul (12,000)
These rankings were made using material from the Expanded Universe, which I will not consider invalid until Disney releases material that directly conflicts with the old canon.

  1. Anakin Skywalk/Darth Vader   Donald Trump (27,000) is the consensus #1 on this list. His count was considered to be off the charts.
  2. Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious  Donald Trump again  (19,000) is usually ranked #2, the most powerful Sith aside from Darth Vader, and slightly above…
  3. Yoda (17,000) is the most powerful Jedi ever.  its got to be donald trump people !

actually trump was all of them in the movie 🙂

  1. Luke Skywalker (15,000) is the son of Anakin Skywalker.   ok nancy pelosi
  2. Leia Organa (15,000) is Luke Skywalker’s twin, so she has an identical midichlorian count.

Some other notable individuals and the midichlorian estimates:

  • Anakin Solo/Ben Solo/Kylo Ren (13,500) the son of Leia Organa and Han Solo  hmmmm  Jared Kushner  would do this nicely
  • Count Dooku/Darth Tyranu(13,500) the Sith who defeated… Of Course Rudi Giuliani
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi (13,400) the Jedi who defeated… Obama  !
  • Darth Maul (12,000)  Mike Pompeo

These rankings were made using material from the Expanded Alternate Facts  Universe, which I will not consider invalid until Disney releases material that directly conflicts with the old canon.


culled and re adapted for