You enter the plane at 7.37pm the pilot announces his name as max kraschner. You realise you dont know what kind of plane it is .would you come down ?
When on an airplane and the hostess or pilot announces that you are on a Boeing 737 Max 8, go down immediately.
The plane is a time bomb. It is same model that just crashed enroute Nairobi with no survivors among 157 persons on board.
It crashed 6 mins after take off and was bought brand new only four months ago.
If they refuse to allow you go down, act insane they will call security and drop you off.
Better to be in jail than die!
Ethiopian Airlines crash is second disaster involving Boeing 737 MAX 8 in months. The tragedy follows the Lion Air flight that went down over the Java Sea in late October, killing all 189 people on board. This was also bought brand new. The model was newly launched and the two first buyers had it crashed in months.
China just ordered all Airlines in its country to cease to use the Boeing 737 Max 8.
There are about 10 orders yet to be delivered to Airlines in Nigeria.
I guess the Nigerian government is waiting for one of it to crash and kill scores before they do the needful.
But do not wait for them, save yourself whenever you find yourself on one of them.
Save others too by sharing this!
Obviously, the model may have some factory faults.